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News & Stories
September 13, 2024

Announcing Slate of Nominees for the  Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of West Texas

Dear Clergy and People of the Diocese of West Texas,

I am thrilled to be able to share with you our slate of nominees for the next bishop suffragan of our beloved diocese. We have been at work since the last Diocesan Council in February, organizing our Nominating Committee, recruiting nominations, and studying the vision for our diocese set forth by the Rt. Rev. Dr. David G. Read, D.D., Bishop of West Texas. The Holy Spirit has been invited into our discernment process again and again, leading us to this slate of nominees for our election on October 19, 2024.  

Slate of Nominees for Bishop Suffragan:  

The Rev. Angela Maria Cortiñas, Associate Rector,
St. David’s Episcopal Church, Austin, TX

The Rev. Canon Wm. Lee Curtis, Canon to the Ordinary,
Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande, El Paso, TX

The Rev. Matthew Wise, Associate Rector,
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, San Antonio, TX

The Committee has published a Meet the Nominees booklet to introduce and give insight into the ministry of each of these fine individuals. It is designed to help us prayerfully discern whom God is calling to serve as our next bishop suffragan alongside Bishop Read, as a second chair leader. Inside, you will find photos, biographical information, answers to ministry questions, and links to sermons.

Our Nominating Committee is a combination of our diocesan Standing Committee along with priests and laity from across our diocese. I am grateful to everyone who has carried out this holy work together.  

It is with joy and hope that we share the slate of nominees, continuing the discernment process that concludes with the election of our bishop suffragan. Before the election, study this material, and attend the Discernment Forums the weekend of October 4 - 6. These forums will also be made available online.  

Most importantly, invite the Holy Spirit’s ongoing work as we continue to pray for this process, all the nominees, our clergy and delegates who will be voting, and the whole diocese as we discern together for this time in the life of our diocese and our future.  Know you will be in my prayers as well; I pray for open hearts and listening minds as  God guides us to continue the ministry we are all called to in the Diocese of West Texas.  

In Peace,


The Rev. J. James Derkits, III
President of the Standing Committee

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