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The World Missions Department seeks to engage every member and every church of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas in the work of evangelism and mission. We are working to be faithful to the Great Commission, Jesus Christ's command to "go therefore and make disciples of all the nations" (Matthew 28:19), and His Great Commandment "to love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:39) and to assist the Missionary People of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas in their call to "proclaim the word and example of the Good News of God in Christ" (Book of Common Prayer, pg. 305).

There are three primary ways that individuals
and churches can partner with World Missions

Pray, Give, GO!

Give to the Annual Back to School Drive

Make a donation to help the Owen Project Computer Ministry provide computers, internet access, supplies and even lunch money to students living on one of the reservations in the Episcopal Church of Navajoland.

Ways to Give

Donations for this year’s Back to School Drive can be mailed to the diocesan offices (Attn: World Missions Dept; P.O. Box 6885; San Antonio, TX 78209) or by visiting, selecting World Missions, and clicking on the "Back to School" Sub-Fund.

Ministry Costs
Lunch Money - $20
Backpack - $25
Bundle of School Supplies - $30
Six Outlet Power Strip - $40
Printer - $70
Projector - $140
Laptop Computer - $300
Starlink Satellite Hotspot - $600


Pray for our teams and long-term missionaries working around the world and especially in Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Kenya, the Kurdistan region, Mexico, Navajoland, South Dakota, Spain and Uganda. Prayerfully consider becoming a part of a team yourself.

Pray for safety, strength, and resources. A World Missions Prayer Group meets the first Monday of each month from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. via Zoom to pray specifically for the needs of missionaries, teams, and our mission partnerships. All are welcome to join.

World Missions Devotional Book

The World Missions Department has assembled a Devotional Book to guide prayer and reflection for anyone preparing to Go! and serve on a mission team. The printable booklet includes a letter from the Rt. Rev. David Read, prayers, daily devotionals for the 30 days leading up to your departure date, devotionals during the trip, songs, and space to journal.


With a global ministry touching many lives around the world, your contributions are greatly appreciated.  Most of the places where we work suffer from economic and physical hardships in which the smallest amounts make the greatest difference.

Click here to make an online donation to support the work of the World Missions Department, or send to the diocesan offices (Attn: World Missions Dept; P.O. Box 6885; San Antonio, TX 78209). In-kind donations may be sent, or delivered, to the diocesan offices as well.

Click here to becoming a founding member of the World Missions Sustainers Circle.

Click here to make a special Christmas donation in honor of a loved one.

Kurdistan "Love for the Least" provides care to more than 400 orphans in Africa, the Middle East, India, and refugees in camps in the Middle East. Support for this ministry can be directed at


Open the World Missions Catalog to view a map of our global partners in mission.

To invite a World Missions presenter to your church, contact Marthe Curry, Director of World Missions, at

Long Term Missionaries

The World Missions Department supports a group of long-term missionaries who answer the call to “seek and serve Christ in all persons.” Each is dedicated to sharing the Good News by building relationships and encouraging sustainable global partnerships. For a list of current long-term missionaries, contact Catherine Markette, World Missions Ministries Coordinator, at

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the age limits for mission trips? Youth trips are typically open to students from middle school age through college. International missions ask that team members are at least 18 years old.

How long are mission trips? Depending on the destination, longer trips (e.g. Africa) will take two or more weeks. Shorter destination missions can be done in one week.

How much does a trip cost? The greatest cost of the trip is transportation. Team members pay their own costs with home churches frequently helping out through fundraisers or special gifts. In addition to transportation, include in-country transportation, food, lodging, insurance, baggage fees, and team expenses. Approximate costs for missions of one- or two-week duration: Haiti $1100-$1500; Honduras $1000-1500; Guatemala $1600; N. Mexico $250; SE Mexico $1300-1600; Navajoland $450; Puerto Rico $1225; Uganda/Kenya $3000-3500; USA (youth) $300-500.

What special training do I need to join a team? Team leaders will host 3-4 training sessions prior to the mission. If you are selected for the team, you will receive the training you need. If, however, the mission is for medical, dental, or veterinary work, the team leader will train you to assist in non-procedural matters. Some construction crews need trained workers, but the team leader can guide you regarding experience.  

Do I need special immunizations? Some international missions require certain immunizations due to environmental factors. Check with your team leader or your local travel clinic.

Do I need a passport? Yes, and your passport expiration date must exceed 6 months in excess of your date of return to the USA.

What about clothing? Your team leader will inform you of any taboos regarding clothing of your host country. For example, some countries expect women to wear long dresses, and no shorts are allowed for anyone. Tattoos are associated with gang members in some countries and are taboo; therefore, they should be concealed.


Stay Connected to World Missions:
Click here to subscribe to the monthly World Missions E-Newsletter, featuring upcoming mission trips, events, and stories from mission teams.

Follow World Missions on social media, at and

Diocesan World Missions Staff
Ministries Coordinator: Catherine Markette


Short-Term Mission Guidebook
The World Missions Department has compiled a guidebook for use by all short-term mission leaders and their teams, using suggestions and materials submitted by experienced leaders of short-term mission trips and from selected materials. In 2020, the information included was expanded and updated. It provides insight into all aspects of leading and participating in a short-term mission trip from start to finish.

Click here to read the Short-Term Missions Guidebook.Click here to download the World Mission Devotional Book, 2024 edition.

Release Agreement
Prior to embarking on a World Mission Trip, all adults and minors must sign the Release Agreement, linked below, and give to the designated Team Leader.

Click here to download the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas Mission Trip Release Agreement, revised December 2022.
Click here to open the World Missions Catalog.

World Missions Children's Curriculum
To engage children in the work our diocese does around the world, the diocesan World Missions Department wrote a collection of 4-lesson studies for children, highlighting children from Kurdistan, Uganda, Guatemala, Navajoland, and Mexico. Each lesson includes a song, a Bible story, information about the country, and activities. These units can be used for Sunday school, children’s chapel, Vacation Bible School, or a family study at-home.

Click here to download the World Missions Children's Curriculum, "Jesus Loves the Little Children"

Mission Partnerships

A number of teams from the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas have developed relationships in regions where they have worked for extended periods. There are ongoing ministries that continue to expand in scope and purpose. Below is a list of ministries which typically send teams annually, and most accept additional team members.


piedras negras: el buen pastor and resurrección

Due to security along the border, the diocese does not sponsor youth teams to this area. However, ministry continues through generous gifts of our parishioners and adult teams. Mission activities include creative sewing projects for women, and support of El Buen Pastor and Church of the Resurrección's construction projects. More than twenty women have participated in sewing projects three times a year since 2008, learning to design and complete simple to ornate decorative items and garments. For information, contact Connie Bye.

Piedras Negras: VBS, Dia De Gracias, and Las Posadas

This ministry offers VBS to all children of the area. Dia de Gracias is celebrated during the Thanksgiving season and includes a feast, games and prizes, and distribution of food and clothing. Las Posadas is also celebrated at Christmastime with food, music, games, and gifts, while Mary and Joseph's quest for lodging in Bethlehem is reenacted. For more information, contact Amanda Allen.

arroyO zacate, southeast Mexico

This team sponsors micro-enterprise programs through a bakery and water filtration project established to produce much needed income for families in the region. Women's ministries offer topical conferences for women and craft sessions that highlight creativity and art. Vacation Bible School is conducted during summer missions in partnership with members of the local church. A fully-equipped clinic, partly funded by DWTX, serves the area and has provided opportunities for a medical intern. Senior clergy from DWTX share knowledge and experience with fellow clergy in Southeast Mexico. For more information, contact Rosine Carter.


hilos de dios embroidery mission

For many years, the “Threads of God” team has worked with over 50 women from more than a dozen villages in the Copan, Santa Barbara, and Intibuca regions of Honduras. They are assisting them in creating a sustainable micro-enterprise. Team members teach design, technique, and marketability while returning all proceeds to participants. Contact Terry Koehler for more information.

Love Honduras

With a mission to provide holistic community health, Love Honduras veterinary teams vaccinate and treat parasites in large and small animals, vision teams provide vision testing and glasses for children, and public health initiatives including water cisterns and community development have been the hallmarks of this team for more than 30 years. Team veterinarians will train volunteers to be med-tech assistants. Updated rabies immunizations are required to join the team. Contact Dr. Riva Heron for more information.

Manos De Dios Ministry

Teams have established four micro-enterprises with low income women, including sewing, baking, and school supplies. The Manos Scholarship Program has a total of 70 students, including 50 in grades 7-12, and 20 students in college. In addition, they have 11 college graduates. Teams have fitted nearly 5,000 pairs of glasses in the last 15 years and improved the living conditions of families through the Casitas Project that repairs or constructs homes for families. Contact Patricia Perea for more information.

Owen Project (XO Computers)

The Owen Project is part of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church's (Seguin) long-standing Honduras mission engagement. Laptop computers designed by MIT for rural Third World environments have been taken to isolated mountain schools around Siguatepeque, Honduras, and other Latin American countries for years. Contact Sally and Mark Keddal for more information.

The Owen Project recently expanded to the Episcopal Diocese of Navajoland and is working to provide computers and computer access in Utah, Arizona and New Mexico.

Texas Water Mission in honduras

Texas Water Mission provides clean water solutions, offering clean drinking water to more than 50,000 Hondurans since 2003. The ministry also teaches water hygiene and conducts Bible classes with activities for children. Contact Linda Stone, or visit to learn more.


Construction & Medical / dental

Since 2010, these mission teams have built houses for abused and widowed indigenous women and provided medical and dental care in the highlands of Guatemala. On the job training is provided for anyone with a giving and serving heart. Contact Dr. Lorena Rojas or Jorge Rojas for more information.


Chain of Love

In 2009, St. George School and Church (San Antonio) began a relationship with St. Benoit Church and School in Mombin Crochu, Haiti. With assistance from the National Episcopal Church and St. George School’s Annual Chain of Love fundraising event, they have helped build a new school facility, a new kitchen, and made other capital improvements. The Chain of Love also helps fund students, teachers, meals, and other programs. While they are not currently taking any teams, they are working to build a new computer lab and a possible internet café to serve the community. Contact Keith Earle or Bernadette Williams for more information.

Texas Water Mission in haiti

Texas Water Mission provides clean water solutions, ranging from water wells to rain catchment systems, or spring boxes. The ministry also provides water hygiene training and children’s spiritual formation classes with activities. See Texas Water Mission in Navajoland and Honduras. Contact Linda Stone, or visit to learn more.


Rafiki Aids Orphanage

Since 2004, teams have worked with the Rafiki AIDS Orphanage outside Nairobi to fund and partner in various projects, including construction, micro-enterprise, farming, and various arts and educational events. Approximately eighty children live on the site that also has a school, barber shop, farm, bakery, and a small savings and loan office. Mission activities include Vacation Bible School, Youth Enrichment, and structural maintenance projects. Youth teams have participated in farming chores and built a tilapia farm. Contact Catherine Markette for more information.


Church of the Messiah, WounDed Knee, South Dakota

Youth team projects include rebuilding deteriorating parts of the church building, establishing church gardens, and improving access to the church property. Other projects include building a food pantry and office/health screening addition and providing a weeklong Vacation Bible School. Contact Dawn McLendon for more information.


The Diocese of West Texas has begun working with the Episcopal Church of South Dakota including the Black Horse Ranch, a part of the Cheyenne River Reservation, an equine therapy ministry geared toward the Lakota people, which was recently started by The Rev. Ellen and the Rev. Kurt Huber.


Band & Bible

The Band & Bible Mission supports the brass band ministry of three Ugandan dioceses: Kampala, Bunyoro-Kitara, and Nebbi. Students learn to read music, musicianship, and instrument repair, in addition to spiritual formation rooted in scripture. A scholarship program overseen by members of the band has been established to assist students in completing their education and provides tutoring for students. This team is made up of experienced band teachers or members and travels in the summer. Contact Richard Wallace for more information.

Threads of Blessing

The Threads of Blessing ministry teaches embroidery and design, quality control, and marketability of tapestries, with more than 650 Ugandan women currently involved. Since 2005, the ministry has provided an annual workshop for women, encouraging positive self-esteem and spiritual growth. Threads of Blessing also provides instruction in basic business skills and explores and locates markets for the sale of tapestries. Contact Helen Schnelzer for more information or visit

Upcoming Events

World Missions
October 16, 2024

Missions Café: Revisting the Honduras Ministry with Patricia Perea

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World Missions
September 21, 2024

Fishin’ for Mission Tournament and Fundraiser

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World Missions
August 1, 2024

Missions Café: Oasis of Hope: A Medical Clinic and Ministry in Isiolo, Kenya with the Rev. Canon Gech

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World Missions
July 9, 2024

Threads of Blessing Reception

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World Missions
June 3, 2024

World Missions Monthly Prayer Meeting featuring a reflection by Dr. Lorena and Jorge Rojas

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World Missions
May 12, 2024

Mother's Day Offering for World Missions: May 12, 2024

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World Missions
April 22, 2024

Lunch Presentation with the Rev. Canon John L. Peterson

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World Missions
April 12, 2024

Threads of Blessing Reception Honoring Sunday Dhugira, Director, Threads of Blessing, Uganda

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World Missions
March 7, 2024

March Missions Café: Navigating Challenges of the War in Ukraine: Does God Hear and See?

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World Missions
January 11, 2024

January Missions Café: Missions Relationships and Living the Good News

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World Missions
January 8, 2024

A Conversation About Indigenous Ministries

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World Missions
December 8, 2023

Book Signing & Reception with Marthe Curry, PhD

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World Missions
November 2, 2023

November Missions Café: Things I Learned the Hard Way

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World Missions
October 19, 2023

An Evening with the Rev. Canon Chuck Robertson, Ph.D.

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World Missions
October 18, 2023

"Becoming a Barnabas" with the Rev. Canon Chuck Robertson, Ph.D.

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World Missions
September 22, 2023

Fishin' for Mission

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World Missions
September 7, 2023

September Missions Café: Mission in Colombia

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World Missions
August 26, 2023

World Missions Symposium: August 26

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World Missions
July 13, 2023

July Missions Café: Safe Water for Honduras

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World Missions
May 4, 2023

May Missions Café: The Story of St. Benoit and St. George, Partners and Friends

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World Missions
March 2, 2023

March Missions Café: Kindred Pastors in Kenya with the Rev. Dr. Patrick and Kay Gahan

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World Missions
January 12, 2023

Missions Café - January 2023: The Story of Love for the Least

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