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December 5, 2019

Diocesan College For Congregational Development

he Episcopal Diocese of West Texas will host its first College for Congregational Development, September 13 - 19, 2020 at the Oblate Renewal Center in San Antonio.

The College for Congregational Development students will attend two weeklong conferences (Year A and Year B) to learn theory, engage in practical exercises and experiential learning segments, as well as create, review, and begin implementing projects to benefit their home congregations. The curriculum provides knowledge and skills focused on an individual's perspective, small group dynamics, and the whole congregational system.

The College originated in the Diocese of Olympia, and other dioceses throughout the country host conferences as well. Registration for the College for Congregational Development in the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas costs $950 for individual students from outside the diocese or $750 for members of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas. All registration includes food, lodging, and curriculum, and is available online at

Congregational leaders, whether clergy or lay, who share common vocabulary and skills are more likely to nurture and support the existing vitality of their church and implement positive change where necessary. With this in mind, a limited number of Student Team Registrations are available for two students from the same congregation within the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, costing $950 total. Both students must register at the same time, using the "Student Team Registration" online form, available online at

Students may choose to complete their two required sessions in the same diocese or to sign up for different locations. Click here to read about programs located in other Episcopal dioceses as well as the history of the College.

Wondering if this opportunity is right for you? Watch the video below to hear directly from West Texas lay and clergy leaders who attended a recent College for Congregational Development, hosted by the Diocese of Olympia.

DWTX College for Congregational Development 2020 from Episcopal Diocese of West Texas on Vimeo.

  • For more information about the College for Congregational Development, visit or contact the diocesan Congregational Development team at

  • Click here to download a College for Congregational Development Sharing Toolkit, including event flyers and social media graphic.

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