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April 12, 2023

Congregations Invited to First Small Church Gathering

Inspired by the enthusiastic response to the Small Church fellowship dinner and presentation at Council 2023, the Small Church Steering Committee is launching several initiatives to continue building relationships between congregations, including a newsletter, online meetings, and in-person regional fellowship gatherings.

The first Regional Meeting will take place at St. Paul’s Church in Brady on Saturday, May 20th, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Beginning with coffee and time to get acquainted, the meeting will focus on outreach ministries in our communities. At our Small Church dinner at Council, this was one of the most requested areas to delve into.

We will also have opportunity to suggest further topics of concern and interest for our small churches. Lunch will be provided at no cost. Please join us for this exciting gathering of like-minded Episcopalians who share a common ministry and mission. Anyone and everyone from our Small Churches are invited to attend.

Click here to RSVP before Monday, May 15, in order to help our hosts prepare. Contact Melissa Soderberg, at, with questions or for help with the online form.

See you in Brady!


The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr.
Assistant Bishop
Episcopal Diocese of West Texas

RSVP by Monday, May 15.

Click here to subscribe to the upcoming Small Church Ministry Newsletter, "One Voice." 

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