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April 23, 2024

Bishop Suffragan Election: Update from the Nominating Committee

Greetings and peace to you from your Nominating Committee,

We have been hard at work forming the committees that will coordinate the many processes that take place during an election of a Bishop Suffragan. We gathered together for the first of several retreats we will have, and we are well on the way towards publishing our Diocesan Profile. This profile will be used for thoughtful reflection for those discerning a call for themselves or for someone they know. These committees may be reaching out to ask for your help; please offer to serve as you are called as we will need all the gifts the people of our diocese possess.

After the profile is published, it will be distributed within the Diocese of West Texas, and elsewhere in our Episcopal Communion. Then the work of discernment truly begins. These are intentional processes for an extraordinary election. Unlike other elections, this is a discernment process. The election that follows is the collection of all our prayers for our next Bishop Suffragan and the spiritual journey for many who seek to serve where God has called them. Included in this email are two videos from members of our Nominating Committee offering a prayer in Spanish and in English. Please pray this prayer of discernment with them.

In your reflections, please keep in mind the qualities and charisms mentioned at Council by Bishop Read that a Bishop Suffragan will need for their work in the Diocese of West Texas. The person called to be the next Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of West Texas must be a person of deep faith and prayer. They should be an excellent leader, a good pastor, and a good shepherd. They will serve as co-pilot to the Bishop Diocesan, and they must have an abundance of energy to serve as the ministry of Bishop in the Diocese of West Texas demands it.

Additional updates and information will be emailed to you soon. Please keep an eye out for notifications from your Nominating Committee. We thank you, as always, for your prayers and support.

Peace be with you,

The Rev. Carrie Guerra

President of the Standing Committee
Member of the Nominating Committee

Bishop Nominating Committee:

The Standing Committee Members

The Rev. Carrie Guerra, St. Francis, San Antonio & President
Dr. Liz Manning, Holy Spirit, Dripping Springs
Susan Alwais, St. George, San Antonio
The Rev. James Derkits, Trinity by the Sea, Port Aransas
Libby Templeton, St. Michael and All Angels, Blanco
The Rev. Jonathan Wickham, All Saint’s, Corpus Christi

The Assisting Members

Lorena Rojas, St. John’s, McAllen
The Rev. Mike Woods, St. Elizabeth, Buda
Lory Zimmerman, St. Philip’s, Uvalde
The Rev. Betsy Stephenson, Grace, Llano
Dorcas Sampson, Church of the Resurrection, Windcrest
The Rev. Michael Koehler, Trinity, Victoria

A Prayer for the Election of a Bishop Suffragan

Almighty and everliving God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present as we discern who you would call to serve as Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of West Texas. Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide us to perceive what is your will, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Oración para la elección de un Obispo Sufragáneo

Dios todopoderoso y eterno, fuente de toda sabiduría y entendimiento, esté presente mientras discernimos a quién llamaras a servir como Obispo Sufragáneo de la Diócesis de West Texas. Enséñanos en todas las cosas a buscar primero tu honor y gloria. Guíanos para que percibamos cuál es tu voluntad, y concédenos tanto el coraje para seguirla como la gracia para llevarla a cabo; por Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amén.

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