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May 8, 2020

Program Update from Vital University Missions

May 08, 2020

During this season of campus closures and stay-home ordinances, Vital University Missions has adapted and moved its regular services and formation gatherings online. Weekly worship services take place on Instagram Live; Bible studies are happening over Zoom; and college students meet for Game Nights on a gaming platform called Discord. The Vital UM staff has embraced these changes and continues to think about creative and new ways to connect with and serve the college students throughout the diocese, including writing cards and letters to students scattered across the state by campus closures.

Some things haven’t changed; Vital UM leaders are still drinking copious amounts of coffee from home offices and still interacting with students over text, FaceTime and social media, sharing the latest television shows, the best playlists on music streaming apps, and prayer requests for family and friends affected by the virus and its societal effects.

Most students will not be able to go to their planned summer jobs, internships, or family vacations this summer. In response to the emotional, economic, and spiritual strain placed on young people by this global crisis, the Vital UM staff are creating new summer programming to continue building relationships and supporting its students.

All college students are invited to attend online Morning Prayer services, Saturday evening Worship Services, Game Nights, Lectionary Reflections, and Bible studies. Following Vital University Missions on Instagram (@vital_um) for updated dates and times for fellowship and formation.

Allie Melancon, Director of College Missions, shares "As we plan our programming for the '20-'21 school year, we are evaluating what we have done so far and making sure that we are able to meet the needs of our students, wherever they are. In a recent conversation with the Executive Director of St. Mary’s University Ministry, he communicated that we were the only on-campus, Christian ministry able to adapt and move to online platforms during the Spring Semester. He said, 'your ministry is the one thing keeping our students connected in this time; please don’t stop.' If we have learned anything from this situation, the most flexible and agile institutions are the ones making hard decisions early and adapting to the changes with grace."

Support College Students and Vital UM

  • Prayer: Pray for our students, who are home; some of their homes are not the best learning or living environments.
  • Financial: Click here to make an online donation to Vital UM and diocesan College Missions. donating to diocesan College Missions.
  • Spread Kindness: If you see a young person outside on a walk or working on the frontlines as your grocery store cashier, waiter, or delivery person, say hi and ask them about their day. Be kind. Chances are they would like to talk to someone they are not related to. Be that awkward person who talks to strangers. We all need more kindness and grace in our lives right now.

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