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October 15, 2020

Call for Submissions to LOGOS Magazine Issue 02

The Communications Office is pleased to accept submissions of written reflection and artistic expression through Friday, November 6th, for Issue 02 of LOGOS Magazine, scheduled to publish in January 2021.

LOGOS Magazine is an annual print publication that seeks to capture God incarnate, the Word made flesh, in the people and ministries of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas. Through contributions of clergy, clergy spouses, lay leaders, and church communicants, the magazine is committed to illuminating the truth about God's movement in our lives and world. The inaugural issue of the new diocesan print publication was released in January 2020.

Similar to its first, award-winning issue, Issue 02 of the Magazine will showcase creative expressions and reflections rooted in the 2021 diocesan scripture theme, and depicted through the lens of our diocesan body. "Nevertheless, the Kingdom has come near" (Luke 10:11) was announced as the theme for 2021 on Friday, October 9th, in a letter from the Rt. Rev. David M. Reed to the diocese regarding the 117th Diocesan Council, February 26 - 27, 2021.

Individuals residing within the geographic boundaries of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas and regularly participating in the life of a West Texas congregation are invited to submit artistic, creative expressions relating to, or inspired by "Nevertheless, the Kingdom has come near," the 2021 scripture theme, including Artwork, Photography, and Writing. Specific examples include drawings, paintings, graphic design, edited images, sculptures, mosaics, poetry, songwriting, and more.

Individuals are also invited to submit short-form written responses, between 200 - 250 words in length, addressing the prompt: "Describe an experience or moment in 2020 where you have witnessed God's Kingdom on earth." Short-form responses to the prompt may also be 200 - 250 word excerpts of a long-form sermon, story, or personal narrative.

Submissions should be sent via email to and will be accepted through Friday, November 6th. Submissions of artwork should be sent as high resolution (at least 300ppi) attachments of .jpg or .png files. Submissions of short-form written prompt responses should be sent in the body of the email or as attachments of .doc, .docx, .pdf, .pages file formats. All submissions should include "LOGOS Magazine Submission: [Artist Name]" as the email subject line.

For assistance or questions, you may email, or call (210) 824-5387.

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